Florida Family Law FAQ’s

Fort Myers Florida family law attorney, Sam Assini answers some of your most frequently asked questions about Florida’s family law issues. If you have a question about Florida family law and your answer is not listed below, call 239-829-0166 – the staff at Men’s Rights Law Firm will help you.

Florida Divorce FAQ’s
1) How does a judge decide a parenting plan in Florida?
2) Under Florida law, is one spouse responsible for the other’s welfare if getting divorced?
3) Is there a divorce law about domestic violence against men in Florida?
4) If parents are divorced, who pays kids car insurance?
5) Can one partner file simplified dissolution of marriage?
6) Divorce Dos & Don’ts

Paternity FAQ’s
1) How to file for paternity in Florida?
2) How is Paternity Established?

Child Custody FAQ’s
1) How hard is it for a man to win custody in Florida?
2) How can I get equal time sharing if on child support in Florida?
3) How can a father get custody of a child when paying child support in Florida?
4) How can a father get full custody in Florida?

Child Support FAQ’s
1) How can I get interest waived on past-due child support in Florida?
2) How do I fight the amount of child support in Florida?
3) How do I calculate child support in Florida?
4) How can I get equal time sharing if on child support in Florida?
5) Can the primary parent waive child support in Florida?
6) Can a woman pay child support in Florida?
7) Can a father have visitation rights in Florida if he is not paying child support?
8) How is the amount of child support determined in Florida?
9) What is the law about fathers paying child support in Florida?
10) Is a father who never married the mother still required to pay child support?
11) Do I have to pay child support if my former wife/mother of the child keeps me away from my kids?
12) How long must parents support their children?

Domestic Violence FAQ’s
1) Can a domestic violence injunction cause loss of job?
2) Is there a divorce law about domestic violence against men in Florida?
3) What are the facts regarding domestic violence against men?
4) What are the effects of domestic violence on men?
5) What kind of behavior would be considered for a domestic violence injunction?
6) Are TROs (Temporary Restraining Orders) and emergency protective orders available only when the abuser is a spouse?

Father’s Rights FAQ’s
1) How can a father get custody of a child when paying child support in Florida?
2) How can a father get full custody in Florida?
3) Should a father demand visitation rights?
4) Can a father have visitation rights in Florida if he is not paying child support?
5) Can a father waive his rights to visitation?
6) How can a father in Florida sign his rights over?
7) How can a father see his child in Florida?
8) How hard is it for a man to win custody in Florida?

Child Visitation FAQ’s
1) At what age do visitation rights end in Florida?
2) What is the standard visitation schedule in Florida?
3) Can a third party pick up a child for visitation?
4) Can a parent be arrested for withholding a child on visitation in Florida?
5) Can a father have visitation rights in Florida if he is not paying child support?
6) Should a father demand visitation rights?
7) How can I modify child visitation in Florida?
8) How do I petition for child visitation rights in Florida?