How Does A Judge Decide A Parenting Plan In Florida?

A “Parenting Plan” is a document created to govern the relationship between the parties relating to the decisions that must be made regarding the minor child. It contains a time-sharing schedule for the parents and child or children.

In Florida a judge must begin with the assumption that each parent will have equal time with the children and equal responsibilities and decision-making power (unless there is evidence that this arrangement would be detrimental to the child). Then the judge considers circumstances that will impact an equal sharing arrangement. For example, when developing a timesharing plan, these include each parent’s work schedule, the child’s school schedule and location, the location of each parent, the living arrangements of each parent, and similar circumstances.

Lifestyle choices may also play a role in determining a parenting plan. If one parent exhibits a pattern of irresponsible behavior or social habits that may be deemed harmful to a child, that parent is likely to receive less time sharing with the child and less decision-making authority.