Father's Rights in a Dependency Action
What is a Dependency Action?

Children must be protected.
Dependency Actions assist those people who have knowledge that a child may be abused, abandoned, or neglected. This person could be a parent, a grandparent, or anyone with knowledge that a child is in need of services.
Know Your Father's Rights in a Dependency Action
Let Our Office Help You Weave Through The Legal Maze
If the Department of Children and Families has placed — or is planning to place — your child into State custody, you will need assistance in weaving through the maze of hearings and tasks ordered by the State. Legal assistance is available from this office so you can reunite with your child as soon as possible.
If you believe you are the father of a child and wish to ascertain fathers' rights in a dependency action; or if you believe you are not the father and wish to contest child support orders, we can help guide you through the process.
Contact The Men's Rights Law Firm attorneys focusing on Father's Rights in a Dependency Action, for a consultation and to learn more about Men's Rights.
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