helping a friend through divorce

What Do You Say To A Friend Who Is Going Through A Divorce?

So you have a friend about to embark on divorce in the State of Florida divorceFlorida. Or maybe he just filed, and he is off and running down that difficult road. You are concerned about your friend, and you don’t know what to do.

First, you should tell your friend, if he hasn’t done so already, to call an attorney near him that practices in the area of family law. Like anything else, it may be obvious, but it is recommended that you find someone who actually knows what they are doing. In this context, that means finding an attorney who actually practices in this area of the law.

You wouldn’t go to the foot doctor to have your heart worked on would you? Different lawyers practice different things. It is important that your friend finds someone who understands the nuances of family law and can help to get the most out of his case.

Helping A Friend Find A Good Divorce Attorney

It is also very important, especially in highly contested cases, that your friend finds someone with courtroom experience who can actually take a case through a final trial, if necessary.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to ask prospective attorneys how many cases they’ve handled in the past and how often they have gone to trial before hiring them.

After telling your friend to seek the right legal counsel, from there it is best to simply be a good support system for him. For someone going through a divorce without children, help them to do what is best for themselves. If they are in an abusive relationship, let them know that help is just a phone call away. If the abuse is physical violence, they can call the police and/or go down to the court house and file a Petition for Injunction against Domestic Violence.

Either way, they should contact a professional who can help guide them through that difficult time.

Even without domestic violence and kids, divorce is still very stressful. The process of untangling one’s life from another is cumbersome, and so no matter how small or simple, your friend may need all the help they can get right now.

Don’t speculate about the law, don’t rely on search engines, and don’t consult break room gossip sessions about what a friend of a friend said to do. Have them call a professional, then simply provide that shoulder to lean on that your friend needs right now.

For some, they may just need someone to talk to in order to vent helping a friend through divorcetheir frustrations. Be that ear they can count on to decompress. Offer to go fishing or to the gym. Get him out of the house and away from dwelling on the negative, and help him focus on being positive and moving forward.

If your friend hasn’t filed for divorce yet, it would be in their best interest to talk to a lawyer about their rights and to do so sooner rather than later.

Without children, a man may be facing issues related to alimony and equitable distribution. It is better for that friend to jump on this right away and to get that date of filing recorded, as the longer he waits the more alimony exposure he may have, as well as running the risk that certain assets and liabilities still being acquired by the parties could be characterized as marital.

Divorce and Children

If there are children, child support can be sought retroactively. If he’s serious about it being over, then he needs to draw that line in the sand right away to start gaining some control and taking back his life. If there are children involved, then it can be more difficult, as fallout from divorce doesn’t just affect your friend, but it affects the children as well.

One thing to tell a friend after advising them to call a lawyer is to leave the kids out of it. Keep the kids as sheltered as possible from any and all negativity that may be swirling around at this time. Don’t let the children hear anything that is going on. Try to maintain structure in their lives as best he can, and put their needs first.

If a decision is going to be made that may affect the children, then it must be one that strongly considers the children’s best interest. If the children are being abused, abandoned, or neglected by the other party, your friend should call the police or the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for a wellness check.

If the Opposing Party is keeping the children away from your friend and/or she’s threatening to leave with the kids and move away, your friend needs to speak to a lawyer immediately, as time is of the essence.

In all emergency situations however, it is best to call the proper authorities to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Then, he should call an attorney to protect, and fight for, his rights.

If you or your friend is going through, or is about to go through, a divorce, don’t hesitate, call Men’s Rights Law Firm today at 239-829-0166.