Florida Senate Tracker Update – Alimony Legislation

The alimony saga in the Florida legislature has taken an unexpected twist. Until yesterday, two separate bills (HB 455 in the House, and SB 668 in the Senate) were moving toward votes in the full chambers. Yesterday, however, Senate Bill 668 was amended in its entirety to delete the alimony guidelines and instead establish a blue ribbon panel to study the alimony laws in this state and others, and to report findings to the Governor. That amendment was filed in the Judiciary Committee, and has not yet been voted upon, but it may happen today. So, what appears to be going on is that only the House Bill will result in an establishment of alimony guidelines, while a Blue Ribbon panel will be looking at trends in the law about alimony for potential future amendments, etc.

Prior to yesterday’s amendment, the two bills were substantially similar, so perhaps it was determined that there was no need for two separate bills to be passed, one in each chamber, which would have required reconciliation before the law went to the governor for signature. Instead, only a single alimony bill will be passed and head to the governor’s desk. The guidelines will require that the court perform four mathematical calculations, which will result in high and low ends for amount of alimony, and high and low ends for duration of alimony. The courts will have discretion to make an award within the two ranges. There will be no permanent alimony.

If passed and signed by the governor, the new law will take effect on October 1, 2016.