Parental Responsibility

In Florida, parenting plans must address parental responsibility and timesharing independently. So what is parental responsibility in the eyes of Florida courts? Simply put, parental responsibility refers to the authority parents have to make decisions that affect a minor child’s life. Generically, this can refer to everything from bed times and meals to religious affiliation […]

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Parenting Plans – The Difference Between Parental Responsibility And Timesharing

If you are facing divorce and have children, you will need to create a parenting plan that complies with the laws surrounding shared parental accountabilities. This plan must consider three main areas: child support, timesharing, and parental responsibility. In the state of Florida, parenting plans must address parental responsibility and timesharing independently. Parental responsibility deals […]

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Legal Rights Of Military Fathers

Fighting one war is hard enough. For many military fathers in the throes of divorce, where custody proceedings can be as stressful as deployment, they’re stuck fighting two wars. One is fought for the country; the other is fought for their children. Yet, the soldier often doesn’t have a fighting chance where his children are […]

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