How Do I Know If My Divorce Lawyer Is Good?

A good lawyer will work with you and advise you on what you should and should NOT do during the process of your divorce.

How do you know if your divorce lawyer is good? – If your attorney communicates well with you, doesn’t make bold promises, asks questions and listens to your answers – you more than likely have a very good attorney.

BUT – having a good lawyer on your side won’t help if you won’t listen to his/her advice!

The number of people who take the time and spend the money to hire a divorce attorney in Cape Coral Florida, only to fail to follow the advice provided is surprising.

While it is true that an attorney will never know your spouse, former spouse, or child’s other parent better than you do, it is also true that your family law attorney likely has more experience in dealing with the behaviors of people under tremendous stress due to the breakup of their relationship and/or trying to navigate the court system.

There is a saying in the legal community.

Criminal defense attorneys see bad people at their best; family law attorneys see good people at their worst. This is largely true.

While everyone hopes that they can resolve issues such as timesharing, child support, and equitable distribution quickly and fairly, the truth is that many people are angry and want to “win.” This attitude can cause people to take advantage of one another, to lie in order to have a better position in court, and to do anything necessary to hurt the other person.

Divorce attorneys are well versed in the lengths that people will go to in order to “win their case.”

We are familiar with false charges of domestic violence, false charges of child abuse leading to DCF involvement, emptying the joint account leaving no money to pay the marital expenses, and much more.

If you are going to spend money on an attorney to guide you through the legal process of separating from your significant other or changing your previous agreement, then you should trust their advice and do what they suggest.

If your attorney tells you not to meet with your ex alone at their home – don’t do it. Your attorney is trying to prevent a false claim of domestic violence.

If your attorney instructs you to continue to pay for an expense, they are trying to keep you from being held in contempt of court or accruing a large retroactive obligation.

You may not agree with or be happy with your attorney’s advice, but you should follow it. If you don’t follow their advice from the beginning, you will only make your case more difficult and may wind up being required to jump through hoops to see your children, waste more time, spend additional money to achieve your goals, or worse – spend time in jail.

Your attorney is there to provide you with the benefit of their experience and to keep you from making mistakes that can hurt you.

If you hire an attorney, then follow their advice.

Call Men’s Rights Law Firm for a telephone consultation to discuss your Florida divorce case at 239-829-0166.