How To Get The Most Out Of Divorce Mediation

mediation in divorce

Mediation is time in your divorce where you and your ex have control of the outcome. It is your chance to decide what your post separation life will look like.

You get to decide on timesharing with your children, you get to divide your assets and debts, and any other issue before you go to court.

For you to have the best chance at settling your case at mediation, there are several things that you can do.

  1. Mediation can be stressful because you and your ex are going to have some difficult conversations. While you may not need to have the conversations in the same room, you might still be uncomfortable. It is important to remember that you should remain calm and don’t raise your voice.
  2. Think about your answers before agreeing to something.
  3. Ask questions of your attorney if you are unsure.
  4. Be honest in your responses so that everyone can be on the same page.
  5. Do your best no to interrupt the other party or their attorney and do not resort to insults to make a point.

Even if you do not settle your case, remaining calm under pressure will help you to understand the other person’s concerns and perhaps give you the opportunity to settle the case prior to heading to court.