Mens Rights Attorney

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Domestic Violence Against Men

Although fewer injuries are reported, battered men are almost as common as battered women, but often don’t get the respect and help that they need. In the counties of Charlotte, Collier and Lee, attorney Matthew P. Irwin helps male abuse victims get the protection and help that they need. Our firm fights domestic battered menviolence against men and focuses on men’s rights in all aspects of family law, including domestic violence toward men.

Without a doubt, injury is more likely to occur in a domestic violence situation when men are doing the hitting. But you may be surprised to learn that women are most often the instigators of domestic violence. In fact, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that when domestic violence is perpetrated by just one partner in the relationship (non-reciprocal violence) the woman was the perpetrator of violence 70% of the time. The study also showed that injury is most likely to occur when violence is reciprocal and perpetrated by both partners, probably because of an escalation of violence.

Why Don’t Battered Men Report Abuse?

Police reports and crime statistics show a prevalence of domestic violence against women by men. If domestic violence against men is just as common as domestic violence against women, as the CDC report suggests, why are there more reports of violence against women? It’s because men don’t often report being victimized by their wives and girlfriends.

There are a number of reasons why battered men don’t report abuse. First of all, injuries occur less often, so they often don’t think there’s anything to report. But largely it’s because men are ashamed of the abuse. All domestic violence victims have a reluctance to report abuse. Victims are often ashamed that it’s happening, or they fear retribution from the perpetrator. But men have an additional inhibition stemming from cultural prejudices. Men who are abused are often looked down on as being weak or “unmanly.” They are also less likely to be believed and therefore less likely to receive help. All of this creates an additional layer of shame and inhibition against reporting the abuse.

Legal Help for Battered Men

help for battered menThe first form of help battered men need is to get the abuse to stop. In the counties of Charlotte, Collier and Lee, attorney Matthew Irwin can help men report abuse and obtain restraining orders if necessary. The Men's Rights Law Firm focuses on men’s rights issues and will help protect your rights and help you maintain your dignity in the face of prejudice. If you need help with a domestic violence situation, we are happy to talk with you. You have rights.

If you have any questions about your Florida divorce or would like a Consultation, please call us at 866-995-0166 or email us today.

About The Author

Matthew P. Irwin is a Cape Coral, Florida family law attorney focused on protecting men's rights in divorce and custody cases. Please visit our family law blog to stay updated on family law matters in Florida and throughout the United States.

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